Wednesday, March 8, 2017

March 7, 2017

General e-mail

It has been a couple of weeks since I've written a weekly email. Sorry.

The past couple of weeks have been a huge growing period for me. As I
reflected on the first year of my mission, I saw lots of awesome
things. I saw some really cool miracles and some amazing experiences.
I've also seen my testimony grow in leaps and bounds. As I've looked
back on this first year in the Colorado Fort Collins mission, I am so
grateful to have been able to serve the Lord the way I have, but I
also recognized some areas to improve. This second year of my mission
I hope and pray that I can serve with all of my heart, might, mind and
strength. I will strive to labor with all diligence, because I know my
Savior lives and I love Him.

Alright, sorry guys, just had to get that out there. I know it was a
bit cheesy.
This week has been great we found some new people to teach. One of
them is named Michael. When we taught him the Restoration and invited
him to be baptized, he said he would be baptized if he could find out
that it was true! It was super exciting for us. He committed to read
the Book of Mormon and pray about it, and we are hoping to a date for
his baptism soon!

Elder Prescott and I are getting along great. Sometimes it feels like
a scene from "The Other Side of Heaven"-- he even calls me Kolipoki
sometimes lol

Anyways, I hope you all have a great week. I love you all.
(Appropriately, of course)

Elder Bush

1. Apparently Fix it Felix and I are long lost twins. Who knew?
2. Elder Prescott and me at the temple today

e-mail to Mom:

Transfers are in two weeks. that is crazy to me. 2 weeks! This mission is flying by wayyyyyyy too fast.  

I love your insights about the sacrament and about the gospel. God loves us so much! I noticed that today as we were in the temple, ever since the moment mankind left the presence of God, His every action has been focused on getting us back to Him. Every single action. Pretty dang cool. Also, I love how Adam says that he intends to keep all of the commandments of Heavenly Father. That gets me thinking. Do i intend to keep all of the commandments Heavenly Father gives to me? I know that I won't be perfect, but do I at least intend to keep them? I think that is a large part of the meaning of the phrase "real intent". We intend to act upon every commandment from God, to obey with exactness. I have been able to try and teach that to some missionaries this week on exchanges, which has been cool. Elder Prescott and I are trying really hard to help others realize that we have to give ourselves to God while we are on our missions. It is hard to help other missionaries realize that, but the best thing we can do is be examples.

Mom you are amazing. I am so grateful for your example of discipleship. Your faith is inspiring to me. You guys have taught me who to turn to for a remission of my sins, and you have been great examples to me every single day. I think of you often, and try to do what you would do, because I know that you are always trying to do what the Savior would do. I attribute the very fact that I have a testimony of this gospel to the simple fact that you and Dad encouraged me to develop my own testimony of the church and the Savior. You didn't push the gospel on me, you helped me to realize that I needed my own testimony, and taught me correct principles to help me want to develop a testimony. so thanks for being the best mom ever. 

i love your thoughts about how our purpose doesn't change, and it's always to love. how true that is. something i'm learning on my mission: always love first. everything else falls into place after that. Thanks for the reminder also that the end of my mission is not the end of my life. i needed to hear that hahaha

Let me think..... i dont have much else to say, most of the stuff we did this week I already mentioned in my email to dad. also, maybe have leslie or one of the kids show you how to work the photoshare thing hahaha they will probably know.

oh yeah! another thing! Today I'm going to go see Ron today! (idk if you remember, but he is the one who was baptized a little bit less than a year ago) I am so excited to see him again. i've heard he is doing really well. he now has a calling as the high priests group assistant secretary, so that's super cool. i'm really excited to see him. 

anyways, I love you so much mom. I am excited for when I can see you face to face and tell you all of these mission stories in depth. I am even more excited for the opportunity to keep building the Lord's kingdom after my mission, but this time with my family. 

I love you Mom! You are amazing. Never forget that I love you and that everyone needs a Mom in their lives. specifically one named Dresden. so. yeah.

Elder Bush

1 comment:

  1. You have reached the year mark! It is so crazy how fast time marches on! Keep on loving, serving, working, and smiling!
