Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13, 2017

Email to everyone:

So everything here in Longmont is going just swimmingly. Transfers are
already coming up next week, which is hard to believe!
We have found a few new people to teach this week, hopefully we are
able to continue meets with them!

One really cool miracle I'd like to share happened this week when we
went to visit a Part Member Family. We had dinner with them and then
shared a spiritual message about prayer and scripture study. Then the
husband, (who is less active) asked us for a blessing. He is going
through some hard times and he is really trying to get back to church.
He is trying to overcome a lot of things in his life, so it was really
cool to be able to give him a blessing. Elder Prescott gave the
blessing, and his whole family felt the Spirit very strongly! It was
so cool! They are all committed to coming back to church and to
following the Savior as a family. I know that God is mindful of us
all, and that He cares about us so deeply we can't even begin to

Hope you all have a great week!
Appropriate love to you all,

Elder Bush

Email to mom:
These transfer keep flying by faster and faster. I really don't like it. It still scares me. I don't know if there will be any changes with me and Elder Prescott. He has been here for two transfers so far, so he could leave, but he could also easily stay, so we will see what happens. 

This week has again been tiring, but good. We were able to find a few new people to teach, which was really cool. In Longmont, we are having a competition to see who can hand out the most copies of the Book of Mormon in a week! We have been able to hand out a pretty good number so far, but we have had a lot of other appointments which makes it hard for us to spend time finding. I guess that's a good problem to have lol 

We have also been focusing on helping the members here to use their technology to spread the gospel. The way we have been doing it is teaching them about how important missionary work is, and then talking about using social media to share the gospel. Then we have them pull out their phones and we coach them through the process of messaging someone on FB to share the gospel with them. It has been pretty cool to see some of the members get all excited about using technology to share the gospel. Other times it has been hard for us, like last night. We said "And now we would like to invite you guys to share the gospel with someone on your phones, right here, and right now. But first, let's say a prayer to know who we can be guided to to share the gospel with." Then we deferred to the husband for him to choose someone to pray. After the prayer, he said "thanks guys, for coming over. We appreciate you coming for dinner. is there anything else we can do for you?"  

we were like: "uhhhhhhhhh nope i think we are good! just keep sharing the gospel on social media..." hahahaha it was so awkward becuase he obivously hadnt been paying attention and so after the prayer he dismissed us lol it was hilarious. we didn't fight it, we just asked if later we could follow up with them about how their gospel sharing was going. it was super funny.

Other than that, not much new to report here in Longmont. I think I might have more to report next week, but we will see hahaha

I love your insights about the doctrine of Christ- the doctrine of Christ really is the center of everything. You find it everywhere in the Book of Mormon. it's awesome, and amazing. I will share the insights that I had this week in my next email. I love you Mom! Thanks so much for everything you have done for me. 

I want to strive to be the missionary you think I am, and you think that I can be. I love you so much :)

Elder Bush

I'm glad you figured out the photoshare :)

1 comment:

  1. You are growing and learning so much. The deeper you look into the gospel the more simple and complex it is - Crazy!
