Monday, December 12, 2016

December 12, 2016

okay.... so we are leaving in 10 minutes apparently. ahhhhhh so i will type my email to you as fast as i can. sorry about any mistakes.
i did not know that we were leaving this soon, but its okay. it happens. thanklk you for sending me all of these videos of the kids! they all did great at thier piano reciatls. i alos love the videos of you guys singing.  they are the cutest thinge ever and i love them.
this week has been good. its been cold though, thats for sure. thanks for the hand warmers hahahaha they are so awesome! i'm still trying to figure out my present for leslie, i've had some good ideas, but i might need you to buy something. just a heads up. ugh 4 minutes left. i wish i had someone here to type up an email really fast for me. someone like my mom lol
something I learned in my studies this week was the fact that we don't need to be disappointed or discourged whenever we dont hit our goals. i studied the story of zions camp, and they defuniutely didn't acheive their goals, but the Lord's purposes were acheived because they were faithful. 
this is definitely something that I have to reminf myself of frequently because I often fall short, but as I am faithful, and keep repenting, I know that verything will turn out alright and that The Lord's purposes will be accomplished. this is my testimony.
i love you so much, and I think abou tyou and all of the kids kliterally all the time.
give htem hugs for me.
Elder Bush

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you were in a terrible hurry. It is still fun to read your posts. you are very special to us. We love you very much!
